周伯华 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委、经济委员会主任,国家工商行政管理总局原局长
厉以宁 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委,民盟中央原副主席,北京大学社会科学学部主任、光华管理学院名誉院长
陈锡文 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委、经济委员会副主任,中央农村工作领导小组副组长兼办公室主任,中央财经领导小组办公室副主任
杨凯生 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员,中国工商银行原行长
李彦宏 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员,bet356手机版,bet356体育app工商联副主席,百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司董事长兼首席执行官,中国互联网协会副理事长
卞晋平 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员、文史和学习委员会驻会副主任
刘佳义 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员、办公厅研究室主任
赖 明 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委、提案委员会副主任,九三学社中央专职副主席
李东东(女) bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员,原新闻出版总署副署长,中国新闻文化促进会会长,中国报业协会副会长
冯骥才 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委,民进中央副主席,中国文联副主席
秦大河 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委、人口资源环境委员会副主任,中国科协副主席,中国气象局原局长
徐 辉 bet356手机版,bet356体育app常委、副秘书长、提案委员会副主任,民盟中央专职副主席
钟秉林 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员,北京师范大学原校长,中国教育学会会长
刘玉村 bet356手机版,bet356体育app委员,北京大学第一医院院长
Press Conference on March 6, 2014 The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Press Conference on March 6, 2014
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Time: 2:30pm, 6th March 2014
Venue: Briefing Room on the 1st floor of the Great Hall of the People
Topic: Deepening the reform to promote sustained and healthy economic development
Zhou Bohua Director of the Committee of Economic Affairs, Former Administrator of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce
Li Yining Former Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, Honorary Dean, Guanghua School of Management of Peking University
Chen Xiwen Deputy Director, the Central Rural Work Leading Group
Yang Kaisheng Former President of Commercial Bank of China
Li Yanhong Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Baidu Online Network Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
Press Group, Secretariat of
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
March 5th , 2014
Press Conference on March 7, 2014 The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Press Conference on March 7, 2014
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Time: 10:30am, 7th March 2014
Venue: Multi-functional Conference Hall on the 2nd floor of Media Center
Topic: Improving Consultative Democracy of the CPPCC
Bian Jinping Vice Chairman, Committee for Learning and Cultural and Historical Data
Liu Jiayi Director of Office of Research of the CPPCC National Committee
Lai Ming Vice Chairman, the Jiu San Society
Li Dongdong Former Deputy Director of the General Administration of Press and Publication
Press Group, Secretariat of
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
March 5th , 2014
Press Conference on March 9, 2014 The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Press Conference on March 9, 2014
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
Time: 10:30am, 9th March 2014
Venue: Multi-functional Conference Hall on the 2nd floor of Media Center
Topic: Protect and improve people's livelihood and promote social equity and justice
Feng Jicai Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Association for Promoting Democracy
Qin Dahe Vice-Chairman of China Association for Science, Former director of the China Meteorological Administration
Xu Hui Vice-Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League
Zhong Binglin Former President of Beijing Normal University
Liu Yucun Dean of the First Hospital of Peking University
Press Group, Secretariat of
The 2nd Session of the 12th CPPCC National Committee
March 5th, 2014